thank you amanda.....

hi everyone!! amanda passed this on to me - so here goes......
10 honest things.....1) i love being alone at my house
2) i am VERY inquisitive
3) i don't care about global warming - it is inevitable
4) i can't wait for Jesus Christ to come
5) i hate racist remarks
6) i don't like little babies, but i really like toddlers and children under 10 - they are so honest and they are still mostly uncorrupted by life
7) i actually hate TV
8) i hate it when people sleep late in my house - they must be on the move, otherwise they waste a day!!!
9) i love the way the earth smells after rain - it makes me so happy
10) i cannot not be organised at all - even if i try really hard. i am admitting it. it is one of my worst characteristics and it is detrimental to both my business and my scrapbook life!!
that was really hard - i don't really think that hard about myself - i just bulldoze ahead!!