Tim Holtz 12 Days of X'mas Tags - #2

good evening!! well, it is day two of the TAG challenge on Tim's blog! can you believe it, he had over 3300 comments on his blog yesterday! jeepers, i have not even had half that many people visit my blog! the man has serious fans..............anyway, here is my take on his tag for today! he used his metal foliage flowers to MAKE a rose - i, of course, do not own such beauties, but i had this leftover PRIMA rose and leaves from the Scrapbook Convention! the main technique here was the splashing of the perfesct pearls with your brush - those golden drops all over the tag. Tim has detailed instructions on his blog. once again, i am so limited with his stamps, i had to use a PRIMA frame and the same wording as yesterday's tag (yes i know, i promise i won't use it again tomorrow!!!!) and i had to use frayed burlap distress EP instead of Antique Linen, but it was all i had!! i also don't own the flourish stamp he used, but i had another one of his - so i just improvised!! it was quick and because i did not have to MAKE a flower (you guys really have to watch him do this) it was quite easy!!
THEN - Shamela
gave me this award - THANK YOU SHAMELA -and i am supposed to tell you a fewthings about myself................hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, well a few things that you did not know about me, 7 to be exact........here goes

1) i talk to my dogs like they are people
2) i even talk to the snake i found at the backdoor yesterday, the big spider in the corner (just told it to please not climb into my mouth when i sleep) and the swallows that think my house is their house.
3) i am very preachy - always telling everyone what i think they should do
4) i was once married for 18 months....
5) i have 3 brothers
6) i can actually play the piano quite well
7) i do not have one filling in my mouth!!!!
now.......i have to do the following:
i have to pass this award to 7 other people (i think)
For this award you have to do the following:
1. Place the award and a post about it on your blog.
2. Thank the person who gave you the award.
3. Tell us 7 things about yourself that we don't know.
4. Pick 7 more people that you feel deserve this award.
5. Place a link to their blogs in your post.
6. Tell these people that you have given them this award.
i am now handing this award over to the following people:
these ladies are all versatile and talented and i think we all deserve to know more about them!!!
As for the award - I'm not sure I have seven things I want people to know about me LOL but I am very honored that you thought of me!!