when you feel alone, remember............

we had a powerful sermon at church today. about loneliness. how we feel lonely, when we really are not. how we do not reach out to the really lonely, the forsaken. how there was once Someone, who was so forsaken, that He could not bear it. how God, the Father, had to turn His face away from His Son, when His only Son was covered in our sins, the sins of the past, present and future. God could not bear to look at His precious Son on the cross, so defiled by greed, lust, lies, prejudice, violence, drunkennes, laziness, jealousy, hatred, selfishness, and many more sins that Jesus took upon Himself, so that we may have eternal life, and not be forever dead. we, as the body of Christ on earth, are supposed to ease the loneliness of the widows, abandoned children, shunned grandparents, bullied teenagers, rejected young people who feel they are all alone. we are supposed to reach out to them, treat them like Jesus would have, with compassion, telling them that they have meaning, that God loves them and they matter. when was the last time you actually took just 5 minutes out of your day, and told someone seemingly "insignifficant", that they matter? we all get irritated by car-guards, begging streetchildren, old people driving slowly, walking slowly, very few of us visit old age homes, or even just take someone a card saying "you matter to God". what does that take? i was thinking that i am a terrible person. i have loads of cards that i have made. i have said before that i think we should go to the old age homes, and give each person a card. have i made an effort of doing it? no. why not? am i waiting for someone else to do it? probably. aren't most of us like that? no one wants to go first. well, i commit to make at least one person that i would not normally give the time of day to, feel special. tell them that they mean the world to God, that He sent His only Son to die for him/her, so that they may have eternal life. and if that makes me a fool, i will gladly accept the title. a fool for Christ! imagine if we all conveyed the message to one person...........we all know who we can target. kids know kids at school who are loners. we see the lonely lady in the queue at Spar every day. we hastily give the carguard R2-00 when we leave. we chase the beggar away. don't chase him. give him a message. it might not feed him or send him to the liquor store to buy a beer, but he might just THINK about it, when he lies down on his plastic bags tonight, or when he finds shelter under a bridge. and then you thank God that you are not the lonely one. and if you are the lonely one, reading this, remember, God loves YOU very much. He sent His Son to die for YOUR sins. this time on earth is but a fleeting moment. you have eternity to look forward to, and you will NEVER be lonely there!


Anonymous said…
Cariena, Your post is absoutely beautiful, it made me cry! I want to be a fool for Christ! Rea
chantal said…
Such a moving post…. Made me really think about a lot of things.
zoe said…
maaitjie, that is what has been on my heart for the past few days. we all mean to get involved, do more, give more - you know the story. but when our time is so short we kind of "forgive ourselves" for not being more to someone because we just can't. but that isn't good enough, is it and i completely hear where you are coming from. i do and have felt the same way for a while now
wanda50 said…
I am a fool for Christ! Thanks for such a loving and beautiful post...it reminds me of the day I became a fool for Christ. I too am a cardmaker and have challenged myself to be a better giver of my cards to those who need a lift in the coming year. May God richly bless you and your family this "Christmas"! Hugs from across the miles....Someone who also cares...Sister In Christ!