will my clivias ever bloom again..........

so, the move is finished. or rather, everything is gone from the farm. (except for a few MAJOR items my dear husband left behind and decided he is not going back for .........) . my clivias were in a huge pot, and the pot broke during the move. now i am wondering if they will ever bloom again..........a clivia is a strange plant. mine always bloomed out of season. when you least expected it. suddenly this burst of colour would appear. i would grab my camera and snap away, hoping to capture THE most wonderful shot of clivias ever taken! LOL! how stupid one can be! but, sure enough, i never get a really perfect shot. somehow, though, the thought that i could just wait for the next season to try again, filled me with hope. next year, i will get the perfect shot of clivias! now i don't know. i am glad we left the farm. everything was always full of dust. it was a mission to drive up the road. the house was falling apart. everything was always broken. but, it was home for 12 years. now we are moving to a new home. a new beginning. and although the clivia pot broke, i am convinced that if i replant the clivias into a new pot, and love them as always, they will once again bloom. in all their splendour. sometimes i think we are like that. we bloom, and then we lose ground, our base. then we falter. we lose perspective and it seems as if we will never get back on track. then Grace finds us. through the Blood of Jesus we are given a second chance, replanted in a new, better pot, with His Word as foundation. and nothing that we face is too hard, too much. we are capable of all things through Him. i believe my clivias will bloom again.........
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Moz said…
Love them and they will bloom again!
Good luck in your new home - may you and your man find nothing but happiness and peace in it. Have fun!
ursula Uphof said…
Oh good that the move is over. Hope you have many happy years in your new home and your Clivias will be just fine, with lots of love and care.