
i am very happy to say that this matter has been graciously resolved. LIFE IS GOOD - i have parcels containing BEAUTY in my car.............on my way to the shop to unpack. YUMMIEEEE!!!
happy weekend to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND REMEMBER TO SMILE!!! (picture courtesy darius)


Ann said…
Sounds to me like the whole situation is ludicrous. I have made a lot of changes in who I am purchasing my craft supplies from, lately. Weather I have alot of money or not, my wallet holds power. Purchasing power. Because crafting is my hobby and that is how I spend my expendable income. Lots of these companies have become " too big for their own britches", as my Mom use to say. I agree with alot of the things you are saying, and just for the record, I don't know who the company is that you speak of. I see alot of challenges sponsored by companies too, and DT members are always winning. If that's how they want it, why not just tell crafters, only DT members can enter. It would save us all alot of time. Just because someone is on a DT, doesn't mean they are better artist than those of us who aren't. It just means they have taken on the work load, and comittments, alot of us don't want. I enjoy crafting for the fun of it, not to make it a job. Anyway, enough of all that. Stay strong, and God Bless.
ursula Uphof said…
Not sure what the issue is here or about who, but I think if you are being fair to people, then you deserve their support, and lets face it..times are hard. Wish you strength and Blessings. Keep going.
Anonymous said…
Hellooo - you keep going girl and dont let them get you down, you are doing soemthing that you believe in and thinking of the many hundreds of scrappers who are not of the rich world but who enjoy the hobby and times are hard and not always accesible to all because of the prices.You will have a lot of support and have a great shop and don't give up, fight for what is right. Enjoy your day.xxx Julie
Anonymous said…
Yes Cariena - I too am one of those that eye the stuff and for 1 embellishment @ R60 I can feed my family a meal ... that's where the question comes in: scrap or eat and it is real and that is what you understand, don't let others make you doubt!