the lilies and us.......

i am busy downloading my photos from the Cape. this little lily was photographed in a farmer's field. it has not been edited, and Marius took it. ( he knows NOTHING about f-stop or aperture.......) and i know that what Jesus said is true...... Matthew 6:28 " so why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the valley, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin" you should read the next few verses as well, but if you can't or don't feel like it - Jesus says that you are worth so much more to Him than the lilies of the valleys. won't he also take care of you if you truly trust Him and follow Him with all your heart? give Him a chance, if you have not yet. and if you are far from Him now, ask Him to come closer, and He will. He loves you more than you know - He died so that you can live. sleep tight everyone!
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