missing in action...........

i know i have been missing in action............. i have a few good reasons - one of which you can see right here!! the newest addition to our canine family! she is an ADORABLE puppy - and yes, she is a dog. nothing else. not a purebred anything. but such an amazing, well behaved little angel. as for the other reasons - they will be revealed within the next few days!! ( i might be back tonight with something to share.............)
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Rene Sharp said…
So cute Cariena!! Is she keeping you on your toes?? We got a Yorkshire Terrier puppy about 2 months ago, and he is super busy!!
Patricia Basson said…
Ag my jinne Cariena,sy is te adorable!!!Hoop sy gee julle baie vreugde en stukkende pantoffels en slapelose nagte en,en,en...lol!!! Baie geluk en hoop ons sien nog baie van haar!