to share or not to share......

 it has been a rollercoaster few weeks since i last posted here on my blog.  i have been on the most wonderful trip to Yzerfontein, had a birthday and have been working really hard at the shop, loving it all!  God is just so good!  some days are harder than others, and you have to really find strength in Him, but other days He allows me to just "soar" like an eagle!  the photo above was taken at Yzerfontein while i was there.  i think i took about 100 photos of sunsets - seriously!  and they are all spectacular!
 this was the view from the house where Pics & Tales held their first Scrapbooking Event that i attended.  i love their work and when i heard that they were hosting an event, i immediately booked!  to myself, from myself for my birthday!  it was an excellent gift!  the projects were amazing, the venue was spectacular, food was star quality and the company was superb!  well done, ladies!  for all the discerning Cape Town Scrapbookers - do yourself a favour and attend one of their classes or buy a kit!  they know what they are doing!
 the picture above is just a snippet of one of the projects we did - Mare-Liz Oosthuizen designed the most amazing mini-album and the snippet above belongs to Lihanna Bothma's album.  just LOVE it!  Ezmé taught a stunning double page and a cardholder - i have put the layout up in the shop, and the cardholder is also there, but i will photograph it and showcase it!  i promise!
 they showed the ladies how to make tags using Distress Stains,  left over rubons and stamping - love the look!  it was fun to get shown how to do something by someone else on their territory!  i really enjoyed these classes!
so, why am i not showing all the projects in their entirety?  two reasons - number one, they are not all 100% completed yet.  but reason number two is the main reason.
i don't think it is fair to show the layouts and projects that were taught at events and in classes that people have paid good money for.  i also don't think it is fair distributing the notes among all your fellow scrappers.  you paid the money for the class, and i know that we all love showing off our work, but just think about this.  if you post every layout and project you do in paid classes, you are sponsoring the people who don't want to pay to learn and keep Scrapbooking/Cardmaking teachers in business.  there are millions of ideas online - for free!  it is a very, very tough business we are in.  you can't bottle creativity and you also can't really pay someone for the effort and time they put into a well planned and executed project.  it is a piece of your soul that is poured into each and every layout.  think carefully before you make copies of all the layouts you have just done in classes and are so eager to distribute among your friends.  is it really the right thing to do?  only you will know............
above is a little peak of a layout created by my friend, Lee Dreyer.  i can't wait to show this page...........really.  she is uber talented and can do the most amazing things with inks and paints!  and yes, she actually drives 200km to attend classes to learn how to use these products and then she puts me to shame!!!!  visit Lee's blog to see more of her amazing work!
i leave you with a page i created a few years back - it is still one of my favourites.  i made this when the only mists around were the ones you made yourself with re-inkers and perfect pearls, or with colourwash!  who remembers those days???  i love the simplicity of it. the photos are of flowers from the garden on the farm we used to live on.  i am sharing this because you are welcome to be inspired by this and to please use elements from this page that inspire you!  (if you are inspired at all!!)  
it is winter now.  we are, mostly, sheltered in our warm homes.  some people are not so fortunate.  remember to reach out and share - whatever you can.  a piece of bread, something to drink, a blanket, a warm smile or a hug for someone who needs it.  believe me, most people need a hug.........may you be wrapped in God's merciful love tonight and this week!  xxxxx


Lee said…
Wow Cariena, thank you.... And I do love your ramblings. They always leave me with some food for thought...
Hendrina(Rena) said…
Lovely reading your words, yes I need a BIG hug now♥ God Bless
Cathy said…
Your work is a ministry to so many. Love your blog and you always leave us with something to think about. See you soon for Scrapping4Charity 2013! Can't wait!
Lynette Jacobs said…
Dit is wonderlik om weer te lees wat jy skryf....jy inspireer my altyd met jou woorde. Ek mis jou :-(