ask, and you shall receive...........

well, maybe not everything that we are asking for - which is a whopping R6,9 Million Rand from Lotto to build a learning centre in the location where we have our ministry and try to bring the Gospel to children who are so dedicated and have so much potential, but no opportunity to realise it. we have had the vision to start a learning centre for almost 2 years now, and the "gazebo" just is not cutting it anymore! we need a real roof with real desks and chairs - a safe place where these kids can do their homework, get extra lessons and get at least one proper meal per day.

so, a group effort was made to get plans drawn up, get quotations for everything, make an offer on land, ask for written endorsements, type motivations and finally the almost 100 page application was ready to be signed, bound and sent off with counter to door postage to the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund. now we wait. it could take up to 18 months before we know if we will even get a until then, we will pray. we need to ensure that these children have a fighting chance and do not end up as criminals or vagabonds, but have the opportunity to become citizens who contribute to the building of our country. we cannot expect governments to do everything. we have to do our bit. APATHY is the biggest killer out there. standing back and saying that "it is not my responsibility or it has nothing to do with me". it does. God gave us all talents and compassion for our fellow man, and He will one day ask us what we did with the talents He gave us. and as we all know, He was not too impressed with the guy that buried CAN make a difference. even if you smile at someone who does not deserve it. if you let someone in the queue before you. help an elderly person across the road. wipe someones tears. give someone that upset you a hug even though you are still angry. forgive someone who should not be forgiven. is that not what Christ did for you? were you not forgiven when you did not deserve it at all? what have you done today to make the world a better place and to show God's Grace............................?
