
it was Christmas day today. 
for many it is a meaningless day.  just another holiday.  for some it is a day filled with gifts and a quick visit to church.  for most it is a day of overindulging and a nice, long afternoon nap.  and for a few, it means only one thing - the celebration of the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  we had a splendid message delivered by Wilson today at church.  a message about why God sent Jesus.  and what stuck out the most for me, was this message - He came to pay my ransom.  the ransom for all my sins.  when someone is kidnapped, a ransom is demanded.  the kidnappee is in bondage - not free.  i am also in bondage, by my sin.  only Jesus can set me free.  i can do absolutely nothing to set myself free.  i can try as hard as i want - i will fail.  the only way to truly be free, is to surrender completely to the will of God and become a ransomee - someone set free by the death of Jesus Christ.  i am ashamed to say that so many things still hold me in bondage - i need to turn away from the little things that hold me in bondage - too much time spent at the shop, and too little with my husband.  too many worries about the next layout - too little time just enjoying a scrapping session with my clients.  too quick to judge, too slow to love.  too quick to jump to conclusions, too slow to listen properly........i publicly commit to try and do better.  to proclaim more freely that i am ransomed - and to rather keep quiet about the rest!  hope you had a very Blessed Christmas!!!


Art By Wanda said…
Amen!!! Merry Christmas!!