missing in action........

 i know i have been missing for a while and thank you to everyone who has been sending mails and messages wanting to know when i will be back online...........it has been a VERY busy few weeks and i have LOADS to write about, but i will need some time to do that, and time is a very rare commodity at this stage.......so, i will leave you with some beautiful images of a place i love and of the one plant i am a little obsessed with - a clivia - and this one growing wild.....
i cannot take any credit for the photos, they were taken with an underwater point and shoot by a friend at Oubos.  Marius features in the photo above.  i will hopefully be back soon with some scrapbook pages and some tales of the amazing Scrapbook Retreat we had, but for now i am really tired after 4 hectic weeks of hosting the wonderful Retreat, counting stock, unpacking new stock, scrapping layouts for the Bloemfontein event and teaching classes.........so please bear with me for a litte longer, i promise i will get my act together!!!  xxxxx


Lynette Jacobs said…
Ek mis jou..laat weet wanneer jy weer PE toe kom...anders moet ek jou weer kom "hijack"