
i was browsing through my photos looking for a snapshot of something, when i found this old layout i did for my in-laws of their Mozambique trip in 2011. i loved making this page - it was uncomplicated and as i rarely get to scrap just for pleasure these days - it is always for a class, or an event. i remember making this page and just having fun with it. 
 i saw a post on Facebook this week where someone outright said that she was going to "scraplift" a kit that was on sale - and i thought to myself that although information is freely available everywhere, some people actually make a living from spending time and energy designing scrapbook pages.  it is their JOB.  i wanted to say to the person that maybe she should buy the kit?  but, you know, sometimes it is just not worth it, i guess.
priscilla and i will be leaving for Bloemfontein in 4 days' time, and this has been one of the busiest weeks with the most things happening to me that has nothing to do with Scrapbooking in, well, since forever.  
 i have been thinking a lot about various serious things the past few days, and i feel a change is coming......i feel that i will have to say a few things that might upset a few people and then i will also have to let go and not say a few things and leave some people to their own can only do so much, and even Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 10:14 and Luke 9:5 to shake the dust off their feet from the towns where the people did not want to listen....(please, i am not comparing myself to a disciple - but you should know by now that my Bible is my only GPS in life) 
have a super evening - remember that you are loved by Someone who actually sent His own Son to a horrible death on a cross - just so that you may choose to have eternal life........... xxxxxx


Jennilee Sale said…

I hope you are feeling better... have a safe trip and enjoy.
chilli pip said…
Enjoy your time in Bloem . Hope to see you in j Bay one day...;..
Elizna said…
...haal diep asem, vriendin...and let go!! Sterkte vir Bloem...hoop dit is 'n reuse sukses...weet julle het baie hard gewerk aan die voorbereidings vir die trippie ;-) En ek wens ek kon daar wees, want die bietjies wat ek gesien het is BEAUTIFUL!!