
 the past 4 weeks have been characterised by the above picture..............very chaotic, busy and non-stop.  we went to Bloemfontein to teach some classes for a week, came back and immediately started preparing for the next event...........although i love it, i am ready for a nice, long break.........which will only take place in the form of a week away in the middle of June......YAY!!  something to look forward to!  
there are new and exciting things happening at the shop.  i used to think that it was important to do these on a big scale, but i now know that it is better to do something small really well, than to do a big thing not as good! i hope that makes sense?  
for a while i was convinced that i was totally empty on a creative level, but God has restored my want to be creative by being obedient to Him and just finding rest at His feet and not anywhere else.  i have met some wonderful people in the past few weeks, and have had some really enriching experiences......God has also been showing me how horrible i can be, and i have been trying to be less horrible........especially to those i really don't want to be horrible to.  and to be less judgmental and critical.............that is a huge stumbling block for me, but i have to admit, i have been listening to the Bible being read while working at home in the evenings, and it is as if my ears have opened for the first time iro certain aspects.  i want to be obedient to God and i want to please Him, that is my purpose on earth.  i have realised that i can only do that - seriously - if i obey His commands.  and those are purely that i must love Him with everything i am, and my neighbour as i love myself....  and to my shame, i have to admit that i have not been loving all my "neighbours" equally.  may God forgive me and i have prayed for opportunities to be able to love all my neighbours, especially those i really don't even like!!!!!!
i have also been so inspired by one of my clients, Charlotte, that i am designing a very special once off class.... a very personal class.  i got out all my stamps, inks and odds and ends that i love, but never use.  it has been quite a journey.  i went through some old journals, things i had written in my "stormy years" and i had to tear up some of the writings - i could not fathom some of the ideas i had about life and love!  i kept some of my writings, and i am reworking one of the journals for the class.  i will show some after the class.....
on this day, many years ago, the Holy Spirit was sent to us as a Helper.  when we accept Jesus as our Saviour, we are baptised with the Holy Spirit.  it is, however, not a given that we will then live as we should.  controlled by the Spirit.  we need to surrender to the Holy Spirit.  all of us who claim to belong to Jesus. we should bear the fruits of the spirit as stated in Galatians 5:22-23a - "22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control".  let's look for one another - let's be known to the world as Spiritfilled and not hypocritical, self righteouss and pompous.....i know i have a lot of work ahead of me.  i want to invite anyone who is also struggling with the fruits of the Spirit to email me privately, so we can edify each other.  i know it is hard.  some of the fruits are easy to live.  but some of them are really, really hard.......may the Lord Bless you and give you the strength to persevere.  remember, His Grace is enough................xxxxx


Belinda Basson said…
looks like my What's on My Workdesk Wednesday posts...Wishing I was closer to do the special once off class, sounds right up my ally.