christian = casual & unnoticeable?

i have been made increasingly aware of the above.  we say we believe in Christ and God, but we don't live it.  we look just like the rest of the world.  i constantly have to delete posts from people on my facebook profile where people swear and are so negative. people say horrible things, take the Lord's name in vain ( Christians, mostly do this) and use Scripture to hit people over the head, or make a quick point.  i have no problem with people using Scripture - but it does not really mean anything when used by people whose lives clearly are not lived in line with the Word.

i quote from Nancy Missler's book "Be ye Transformed".  The following was observed by a Messianic Jew.
"The thing that staggers me the most is that the Church (Christians) doesn't really know they they must choose to give up every scrap of self-protective justified hurt, and that we cannot feel anything negative for anyone, but Christ's love.  It seems to me that most of the Christian Church is living "half" a Christian life.  I always wondered why Christians were not more noticeable in the world"
Romans 12:2
" Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."
i really find this picture, portraying Jesus as whatever this "look" is, so sad and typical of the world today.  instead of lifting ourselves up to His level, we are bringing Him down to ours.  He is Holy, and Almighty and we should worship Him.  how can we worship an image like this?  yes, He came to the world, but He never conformed to the world...........and that is the call and instruction of Romans 12:2.
most people calling themselves Christians are "casual" Christians.  i found this hard-hitting blog with a series on Casual Christianity, and it hit so close to home.  it is good to take a hard look at yourself sometimes - but when you look in that mirror, and you see something is wrong, don't just walk away.  make it right.......... what do you see in the mirror?
