when things look tough.........look up........

sometimes things look really tough...........  sometimes i am sure all of us feel totally alone, misunderstood and just plain miserable.  it is actually ok to feel like that..........  when reading the Gospels, i get the distinct feeling that even Jesus felt like that at times.  when we, then, feel like this, we need to follow His example...... He always went to His Father to tell Him how He was feeling, and after letting it all out, He accepted that certain things He could not change, and He let it all in His Father's Hands.......  He allowed God's will to be done.  
Jesus is Divine, and we are mere mortals.  but we do have freedom of choice, and in every situation we can either make a Faith choice, in alignment with God's will, or an emotional choice.......  either way, we will have to live with the consequences.
i am still reading the amazing book my friend Tracey gave me for my birthday 4 months ago, "Be Ye Transformed" by Nancy Missler about understanding God's truth. i was very moved this week, when i read this paragraph.....
"God allows "storms" (tought times) or hot blasts to come for either correction or for mercy.  (Job 37:9,13).  Chesed, the Old Testament word for God's Love, can either come mercifully to free us from Satan's strongholds, or strictly to force us to deal with our sin.  (Proverbs 20:30)"
God will, in His infinite Mercy, always welcome you back if you have strayed from Him or if you have hurt Him by looking for comfort in the wrong places.  you just need to turn to Him - and go to Him.........  He is closer than you think, and He is waiting for you to rush into His arms.......... (Luke 15:11-32)


Kim Watson said…
Wonderful post, full of truth & wise words.
Having Jesus & the Father in our camp really helps make sense of the madness on this planet.
Art By Wanda said…
Very good!!! I just looked that book up on Amazon and it lists 2... one is a textbook by Nancy & Chuck Missler and the other is a Personal Application Workbook by Nancy Missler. I'm wondering which one you are reading or do you have them both? Thanks!!!
Lynette Jacobs said…
So very true...and usually we first make the emotional choice before we get sense and accept that God is ultimately always in control. ♥
Cariena said…
Hello Wanda! It is this book https://www.kingshighway.org/books-by-nancy-missler/the-bookshelf/be-ye-transformed/ that I am reading. :)