
the sermon today was about the prodigal son. i think i have heard 100 sermons on the topic. today was different. instead of focusing on the prodigal son, we focused on the brother that stayed behind. did he know his father's heart? obviously not. if he did, he would not have been so upset when his younger brother returned and got the royal treatment. you see, he had been getting the royal treatment all along - he just did not realise it. he never needed anything. he never went hungry, lonely, had to come crawling back home, begging for forgiveness. and we are like that, sometimes. we sit on our pedestals and judge others. point fingers and ask why they get preferential treatment, we are the ones doing all the work, that other person is so and so, why is there even room for someone like that? when we do that, it just shows how we obviously don't know our Heavenly Father's heart. He sent His Son for sinners like me. people who come from the dumps. the really bad ones. so that He can FORGET our sins. all of them. not just forgive them, but ERASE them, as if they never happened. of course we have to live with the consequences, but the actual sin, is forgiven. Heaven rejoices when ONE sinner answers Grace's calling. One. such an important number. let's be glad when someone repents, and let's give them the chance to change, without having our own selfish ego's stroked. the fact that we, as Believers, are already basking in Grace, should be enough................have a super week!!!!!!!!
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