gail's night before Christmas...

this is the Christmas layout the girls did at Genevieve's Hogscrap retreat. i love it. when i look at paper like this, i don't always know what to do with it. all of it was utilised on this layout. stunning! hop on over to the shop's blog to view the layout in detail. we are moving from the farm - starting tomorrow. after 12 years. i will try and blog, but i will be packing and unpacking mostly for the next 4 days............will tell you all about it and how sad one's husband can get at the thought of having to part with a workbench..................have a super rest of your week!!!
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ursula Uphof said…
Good luck with your move Cariena and hope you settle in well. Where are you moving to. Warm wishes
Wow moving? I have missed so much news! Can't wait to read what is happening with you! love the page!!