david vs goliath

i heard a few stories today about people being bullied. my whole life i have been trying to fight Goliath. i don't like bullies. i don't like it when the fragile and oppressed cannot let their voices be heard. i was watching a documentary on Wallmart the other night. it did not paint a very nice picture of the company. as a matter of fact, i was a bit disgusted. but i will not get into details - you can watch it for yourself. it was quite relevant, as they have just acquired 51% of Massmart shares, so they are in South Africa. and here to stay. i did see they guaranteed all the employees their rights etc. i just hope they will not negate on their word. big corporations are sometimes big bullies. but there are bullies everywhere. husbands who intimidate their wives. wives who intimidate their husbands. bullies at school. the workplace. everywhere. people who do not want to allow other people a place in the sun. who want it all for themselves. who yell, belittle and begrudge others everything. who thrive on the suffering of another. who cannot wait to say something negative in the company of others in order to deflect attention from themselves, and try and focus on the other party. people who try and make life so difficult for others, that others who are not so confident, sometimes just give in and give up - they just don't have it in them to stand up against the bully. it is a real shame that even as adults, we allow ourselves to be bullied and we turn a blind eye when we see someone being bullied. but then i should not be surprised. the Bible warns us that in the last days this will happen. 2 Timothy 3:2a "For people will love only themselves and their money". i am a business person. it is my bread and butter. i do pray that i will be able to do business in a way that is fair, honest and leaves enough room for everyone to also make an honest living and not let money and power become my god. my swordmanship is not what it should be, so i will continue to fight the Goliaths of the world the only way i know how. with the pen ( or keypad!!!) (picture courtesy fotosearch)
