
i am sure that the more "educated" and "civilized" we "think" we are, the less we mean to society. we just do our own thing. we don't get involved. we go to work, and come home, close the door and want to be left alone. i watched a documentary on the Lost Boys from Sudan. when some of them got the "opportunity" to relocate to the USA, they were very grateful, but they could not understand how Western Society operates. we just don't talk to each other. you can't just walk up to someone at their house and say you got lost, are hungry, or need help. you can't even go for just a chat. i felt as if they were pointing their fingers right at me. i do my thing, see people at the shop, but when i leave, i want to be left alone. and i was ashamed. there are so many people who need someone to talk to. who need a helping hand. who need someone to just ASK if they NEED something. we are all so "busy" with our own things. i am so selfish with MY TIME. the time when i can just do what I want to do. MEMEMEMEMEMEME. we get so ME-oriented that we don't even smile when we walk around in a mall, or drive. we all look so serious. everything irritates us. people must just not inconvenience us. and i wonder - would Jesus be happy with the fact that, although i did not bother anyone and just did my "own" thing, i never got involved in anything? never fed the hungry. never clothed the naked. never gave some water to the thirsty. never went to visit someone in prison. never went to an old age home and just read to an elderly person. never just gave a rejected child a hug. never just took the time to ask the person that looks lost if he needed direction..................and we do have excellent excuses in South Africa. everything is DANGEROUS. well, if you read a little Bible history - it was also very dangerous in those times. maybe it is time for me to live a little more dangerously and reach out MORE. maybe if we all did something good for or to someone who does NOT deserve it, we will one day not be seperated from those who took the chance........ Jesus is very clear about what will happen to me if i don't follow His command in Matthew 25:31-46. as a matter of fact, He is not even subtle or tactful - He is quite graphic in His description of what will happen to me and you if we don't do it. i am going to pray that God will show me ways this week through the Holy Spirit to be obedient. imagine if all of us who say that we are Christians actually LIVE this command, and not conveniently forget about it. i am convinced that each of our corners of the world will start looking better, act of kindness, by act of kindness. may you have a Blessed week.
