kaisercraft bonjour collection cards

so, i was finishing my Kaisercraft layout from the Scrapbook Convention - you can see it here - and i decided to follow my own advice and make some cards while everything was on my desk. these went so quick!! for the top one, i just collaged some of the left over papers to cover my card base. then i added some of the Distress Stained lace, added an Eiffel Tower sticker from the Bonjour sticker sheet. i then stamped the "for you" sentiment and i then added some paper flowers over the printed flowers. quick quick!!

for this card i covered the card base with some pink left over Bonjour paper. i then added a journal tag and a leftover piece of a border sticker from the sticker sheet. i cut a butterfly from another piece of leftover paper ( it was not a whole butterfly). i then adhered it to the left edge of the card. i then added some more leftover distress stained lace, and some bling. stamped the sentiment "just for you" and card no 2 finished!

this card could not have been simpler. once again i covered the base with a left over piece of Bonjour paper. i then added a little strip of butterflies that were cut off from one of the papers. the stem of my flower was cut off when i needed the big hydrangea for the main layout, and i tried to create my own hydrangea by folding and layering some paper flowers. stamped the sentiment and another one done!

the last card was just as easy - once again covered the pre-cut base with left over Bonjour paper. then i added a leftover strip that i just cut to size. i then layered two Bonjour journaling tags over each other and stamped my sentiment. i used a hydrangea sticker from the sticker sheet as the one on the journal tag was a bit hidden and i cut another butterfly from the leftover paper. and there you have it! four quick, easy cards! i am sure i could make about another 5 or 6 with all the leftovers. i could then give a pack as a gift, or keep them for when i need a quick card. have you made quick cards lately? why not share them!!
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Ann said…
Great cards, love all the simple layouts. Love all the pink and green and all the butterflies. Hugs
Hannelie said…
3 beautiful pink creations!
So good to meet fellow SA bloggers!
(Discovered your blog on DKH Designs)
Julie Brown said…
Good idea for ll the left over paper from convention- baie mooi.\lekka dux