life's recipes

so, we had a charity scrap challenge again at the SA Scrapbook Convention. i love doing those. the products are all donated by Kaisercraft Australia and we pay for the kits. we then have an hour to scrap a single page using only basic tools. if you use something else, you have to pay a penalty ( it all goes to the charities) we also have auctions and give aways. i sponsored a Cuttlebug that was auctioned as well as loads of other Tim Holtz goodies and really nice scrapbooking tools that Melissa auctioned off, and she also had alot of Kaisercraft goodies she gave away. when time is up, you have to hand in your layout. the layouts are then judged by the International teachers and 15 finalists were chosen this year. we then all go into the competition for a ticket for next year's convention. the winner is judged by an independent panel, and announced in the last 2011 issue of Scrapping & Kie! it is really quite something Glenda does. the theme this year was "Life is a bowl of Cherries - Recipes for Life". my life is centred in my faith, and all the "ingredients" that make up my Life's Recipes flows out of that. my husband, the shop, my best friend Gail and the magical ladies who work with me at the shop. a key ingredient in the recipe is the outreach we do to the children in the community every Sunday, feeding them and teaching them about Grace. my life's recipes. i am thankful every day for such abundant and undeserved blessings!
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