who knew life could be this good....

so, at last i am back in action. it has been a whirlwind 4 weeks - we celebrated the shop's second birthday, i went on a week's holiday to Stellenbosch, the SA Scrapbook Convention, unpacked over 30 HUGE boxes and captured over 1000 new stock items and took over 600 photos that need to be edited, uploaded and scrapped. the shop has been so busy, that it feels as if i don't get time to do anything....... BUT, on the 24th of September i actually decided to finish a layout that we were taught by Elizna Parsons at I-Scrap's second birthday bash. ( read all about that here) I used photos that my good friend and fellow scrapbooker, Dalena Muller gave me of her grandson. he is so adorable, and these stunning shots were taken by a friend of her daughter-in-law's in Cape Town. i think they suit this layout pefectly. Elizna's style is classic, clean and focuses on the photos. i still have 3 other projects from that weekend to finish........all in good time!! ( i hope!!) i have also been without internet for almost a week now at the back office - i don't normally complain about service, but today i got so mad that i actually almost cried when i spoke to the Telkom lady for the 6th time. i got so upset, i told her that if they don't come today, i might just plant a bomb and blow their internet connection to smithereens, so they can feel what it feels like to be unable to do a HUGE part of your job. of course she was not impressed - she said that they take bomb threats very seriously, and that maybe i needed more help than Telkom could offer!! LOL!! i actually could not believe i said that either!! no wonder they are still ignoring me! would love to know if anobody else have ever said something so UNBELIEVABLY stupid????? anyway, God is still GOOD and i am still safely nestled in His Grace ( even if i say such stupid things) so i guess a few more days without internet at day time won't kill me........
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Julie Brown said…
Better start working on your work in progress.Mine all finished hehe.