Vintage ATC

Hello everyone!! what a beautiful day it has been - sun shining, no wind, perfect summer's day here in South Africa. of course i have been cleaning my table (i fooled myself and pretended that if i just wiped the cutting mat clean every day, that it was clean) but today i did a proper CLEAN!! had the music on, vacuumed, literally scrubbed the table and found all the elements on this ATC during my clean up!!

this is how it happened...........i found the Glitz Girls roller stamp with numbers while i was cleaning. as i had not used it, i just took out a pre-cut ATC (it was the closest thing by, as i had finished ATC's for a swap last night) . so i grabbed the only inkpad close by - Vintage Photo, and rolled. oops, it went on to the slightly glossy side of the card. since it was just a test, i left it, and went about my cleaning. i then came across a strip of these vintage photos that i printed - it was free clip art on a blog i visited, and i THINK i was going to do something with it. i also found the patterned paper with the purple and brown in it, as well as the pearly lace. well, of course i had to stop the cleaning right there and MAKE something!! as you can see, the distress ink did not dry properly, so i just kept on wiping - i like it. i then assembled the card, but needed a title.....i rummaged through my little stamps, and found TIMELESS. now, what to stamp on.........i grabbed a piece of "white scrap" - and the vintage photo ink - i reckoned it won't be a crisp image, but that's ok. GREAT was my surprise when the image stamped BEAUTIFULLY. i checked the paper - it was a piece of left over PHOTO PAPER. of course i cut another piece and stamped again - MY GOODNESS!!! distress inks LOVE photopaper and they stamp better than STAZ ON on it!! don't believe me - try for yourself. maybe everyone already knows that - i certainly did not!!

anyway, i am very impressed with my impromptu atc!! of course i was reminded about 2 hours ago that i had signed up for a X'mas swap (did i really?????) and now i have made 15/25 mini chunky book pages - my back is killing me!! WHY OH WHY????? i had to cut all the cardstock, (of course my trimmer will start cutting skew today) and i was really looking forward to CLEANING some more!!

anyway, that's it - i just wanted to show you my discovery!! i will post some interesting ways to know what you have in your ink stash etc later this week - i think it might work for me!!
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Desiréé said…
Very nice, i am impressed!!!!
Amanda said…
Hi Cariena, this looks great! Love it!
shamela said…
Hi Cariena... love this ATC.... I am partial to vintage colours... keep up the cleaning... LOL