alcohol ink background - croppinsville style!!

well, more alcohol inks.... Allie Gower had a GORGEOUS background made with really cheap photopaper and alcohol inks and HAND SANITIZER - and of course i HAD to try it!! i did not want to copy Allie's colours or stamps - and that made it really hard - hers was so beautiful! living in south africa, i of course, do not have Germ-X. Allie also said that the soap had to have alcohol in it - mine did not, but i wanted to try the technique!! so, i did.
i used HP everyday photo paper, and i had to "alter" the technique a bit - i first wet my paper slightly with the soap and added the inks and blew on them one by one. i then just left them to dry. i did try it like she said - but the fact that there is no alcohol in my soap makes a difference, i can see that from the way my ink reacts to the paper.

very bright for me - i think this will become thecover for an altered diary i want to do.....what do you think?