i am almost at the end of my SA Scrapbook Convention "series". KI Memories was a sponsor, but could not send someone. so, they asked the organisers to send layouts from South African Scrappers so that they could choose a representative. the honour went to my good friend
Jowilna Nolte who is magnifficent!

i usually walk past their paper - it is just to bright for me. i assumed it was for Jowilna too - as she taught us a brilliant technique - how to tone down your extra bright paper with clear glitter!
here is an example - she showed us how to use clear glitter and double sided tape to just "dim" the brightness a bit. stunning. it really ads something to the page.
she also taught us various ways of using lace paper - i must admit that it is also something i avoid - it is very expensive in South Africa, and i cannot imagine just sticking it onto a page!

she showed us how to add elements to it to change it's appearance completely - use it as a mask, colour the reverse side, add glossy accents, or use just sections of it as a feature on your page. really fantastic!

she taught us how to make our own paper flowers - so easy and so effective! i would NEVER in a million years have thought of something like that. she showed us how to make a mini-album out of two or more standard envelopes, and also how to use rubons in a very different way! i don't know how many techniques she taught us in her class - but in my opinion it was the most organised and best thought out class of the whole convention. we really learnt alot - i know you will think i say that because she is my friend, but truly - visit
Scrapcouture and her
blog, and see for yourself. all the techniques and steps for the layout are there.

here is the layout without the decorative scallop flap on the left. once again - my photos that i took to the convention for this layout maybe don't really foot the bill, but none the less, the ADDO Elephants take their place in a very unorthodox setting!! i think they really would have been out of place if we did not learn how to tone down the colours! but, as you can see, they look quite impressive! ( i think!)

i say it again - i think her class was brilliant. she showed us techniques we can use on many different layouts and it was not limited to the product specifically. for me that is what scrapbooking and being a teacher is about - show me ways to do something new and use what i have. Jowilna, i give you the prize as the BEST teacher at the SA Scrapbook Convention 2009! Not because you are my friend, but because of the VALUE you added to my craft. Well done, and i hope the SA Scrapping fraternity recognises you. and if they don't - i hope an international company recognises you and give you what you deserve!!