resist background

i have a whole pack of ranger glossy cardstock that i bought about 15 months ago, and had never opened! some of my supplies i have had for months - for some reason i am scared to use it (maybe i think i will never get it again ???) i don't know. just stupid, i guess! well, i opened it after i tried to explain to my PA what certain Ranger/Tsukineko products were used for, and it made me realise how many cool products there are that i have and never use anymore. so, i started playing.

i have to admit, i almost NEVER plan a design. sometimes i feel very incompetent because i don't. i kind of just sit at my craft table and i grab a piece of paper or a stamp and something emerges. i really wish i could plan a project. Wilna Furstenburg said in her interview on the Making Memories Blog this week that you have to clean your table after every session. i am going to try that. everything in my craft room has a place, but i am so disorganised and LAZY to put things back that i just create new spots for my stuff ( not the big stuff, but left over papers, transparancies etc) maybe it is because i don't create in my craftroom, but at my table in the lounge and i don't want to walk back to the craftroom all the time ot put stuff back??? one day when i am big i am going to have my craft room part of the living area, so that i can always be where the husband, tv and dogs are - ie where life is. anayway, i did something tonight that i will post tomorrow - i am so chuffed with myself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great weekend!