some very basic cards....

ok, i have made some cards for the shop to sell and here are some samples. THEY ARE VERY SIMPLE!! i am still practising, so it takes me about 10 - 15 minutes to do a card from beginning to end - except when i add LOTS of little rhinestones like the big X'mas tree one. i did realise that i honestly have very inadequate sentiments for all seasons and all occasions. i have decided to spend all the money i get from the stamps on sentiments and ready cut cardstock. THAT wastes a lot of time, i found. i have decided to now first cut and fold my cards ( i make them 12cm x 12cm, because then you can mail them standard postage.) i have lots of those envelopes, but when they are finished I am going to go back to C6 size - then you waste less CS. i can only get 1 card from an A4 sheet and 2 from a 12 x 12. does anyone have a clue on how to position them so that you get more than one card from these sizes of CS??? i have tried looking on the internet, but can't find anything. i also just want to say that i think i know why people just make cards. it is SO relaxing!!! i have Michael W Smith playing all the time ( LOVE his stuff, it just makes me want to Worship all the time) and it takes less space than a 12 x 12 layout! i just need to get organised now as well - how do you store your papers/leftovers? by colours? sizes? patterned and plain mixed???? you guys know i am a TERRIBLE organiser - any tips would be greatly appreciated!! so, there you go. sorry the pictures are so haphazardly placed - i tried to load them all at once, and typed while that went on, then it did not work due to a "blogger internal error" and then i had to just start all over again with the pics - and i honestly did NOT feel like rewriting everything again!
it is a gorgeous day here - wind is blowing a bit, but the sun is shining, the birds are very talkative and the view from my window is very pleasing today. we cleaned the splash pool after a whole winter of ignoring it, and everything is sparkling and bright! i will post a picture later of theview, for now i have to go finish Sunday Lunch!!!


Unknown said…
you can always send the 12cm envelopes back to me and I will post you a box of C6 envelopes! that will solve your problem!!LOL
Sharon said…
Hi Cariena, thanks for visiting my blog. Yes, the leaf was cut with a leaf cutter which I purchased from Charmaine's shop in Bellville. My cards are 15cmx10.5cm and I can get 2 from an A4 sized cardsstock and 2 from a 12x12card as well as 2 extra pieces to use for layering. I have one of those paper cutters and have the sizes marked to make it easier when it comes to cutting (I am very organised LOL). Lucky you to have a shop to sell your cards in. I also need extra pennies to feed this "habit" of mine and am sitting with about 100 cards to sell but no outlet. If you know of someone in Cape Town who would be interested in my stock, please pop me an email. Nice chatting. Love these cards by the way, you're doing a great job. Oh, by the way, which insurance company are you with? We may be part of the same "family". I'm a Mutualite, have been for 30 years now.