12 Tags Of X'mas Tim Holtz Style...

every year since 2007 i say i am going to try............have never had ANY of the tools needed..........this year............i have almost everything!! here is my take on Tim's tag #1.......i did not have the snowman, but i got the reindeer and the wording and the leafy thing (i don't know what you call it - are they pine needles???- sorry, but we go to the beach at X'mas time here in South Africa, or we watch animals in the National Parks, so i am not too clued up with all the Northern Hemisphere wintery X'mas images) TODAY so i could hardly wait to use them!! also did not have the Picket Fence Distress Stickles, so i used normal Patina Stickles. i really loved the way the distress ink reacted with the Rock Candy Crackle Paint. I did not have any RED stickles, so i just used some Liquid Pearls for some colour and dimension. can't wait for the next tag!!!!!
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Cariena said…
this is a test - i have had complaints about posting comments...
I love this!! I have been watching the 12 days and drooling over all the little eye candy surprises. I do not have all the goodies to put these together so I just gawk and dream. LOL
paola said…
Stunning Cariena, i was thinking about doing the tags, but too much to do at the moment and not enough hours in the day. Your tag rocks!
Shelly Hickox said…
I love the reindeer - I think I like it better than the snowman! Great tag.
shamela said…
Hiya Cariena... well done... I love your take on the 1st tag....the rheindeer is more for our climate..LOL... we dont have snow... >vbg< so more appropriate... you go girl...
Tracy said…
This is gorgeous! Also dont have the bits to do it, but would love to try!