a boy and his ice cream.....

this is Mila's brother (see my previous post). he was such an ADORABLE little boy - about 11 months old when these photos were taken. we were at the beach house and he would come and eat ice cream by me in these very colourful bowls. of course i gave him a spoon, but he discarded it as soon as he realised that it was alot more fun eating the ice cream with his bare hands, and adding some texture to it - in the form of grass and ground!! you can see how shiny his fat little legs are in the main photo!!
i loved making this layout - lots of strips of paper, foam stamps and acrylic paint, some lace at the bottom, stamping etc etc, and my favourite colours - green and blue!!
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Rene Sharp said…
Very cute lo Cariena!! Hope you had a good Xmas!