All 12 Tags together and some more....

and here are all my babies together on my fridge!!!! i LOVE the tags!! they really were alot of fun to make and i am very grateful to TIM for doing this!! i cannot wait for next year!! NOW - i would like to direct you to the following people's tags............(if i have skipped anyone, please forgive me!!!!)

donna - something seems to be wrong with her link but here it is

and lots more artists that belong to the All Things Tim group's tags, have been phenomenal!! i am so priviliged to be part of a group of people who create with such passion and just keep on inspiring me!!

jowilna nolte does not belong to the group, but once again awe inspiring South African talent!!

i will not be creating new things in the next few days or weeks, i will be supporting my husband after his operation, as we don't know what level of mobility he will have. i have taken some picures of layouts and will try and post when i have a minute.

i want to thank everyone for their prayers and i have confidence that the Lord will carry us through this time! Thank you!!!
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Moz said…
Cariena, you have done an awesome job with these tags and should be extremely proud of your work! Such a challenge and the fact that you did not have a lot of tims goodies and improvised - I'm awestruck!
Well done and lots of love and blessings for tomorrow and the weeks ahead!
WooHoo look at those beautiful tags. LOL I turned mine in to vintage looking Christmas cards!! Thank you so much for pushing me and inspiring me!! It is always good to step outside the box!! Hope hubby is feeling better real quick !!
Nancy said…
Your tags are just gorgeous!
I hope all goes well for your DH tomorrow!